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Doctor Mike Yeadon - Former Pfizer Head of Research. 

"We’re under attack by the 0.0001% everywhere. If not stopped, we will sleepwalk through the gates of hell, into a one-way trip to digital dystopia."

"The Global Covid Fraud,has as its goals....

"Totalitarian Control !!!"

Angrier World

The Globalists have been developing their plans for decades, and in plain sight on their website, they have planned for civil disobedience, and in all likelihood are orchestrating it as an excuse to introduce their "One World Government" 

In our view, as its clearly part of the Globalists Agenda, then protests ultimately will not be to the citizens advantage, and no-one wishes to see violence from or towards the authorities..

While up to 3 million people have protested in France, it is a relatively small percentage of the population and was the Globalists control the main stream media, it will receive minimal or zero coverage and the majority will remain, blissfully unaware of the globalists plans, until its to late.

You will notice Governments in numerous countries are introducing controversial legislation, and evoking the wrath of their citizens.

The WEF graduates in Rutte, Ardern, Trudeau and Macron, have adopted a totalitarian stance, and protests have  now turned violent in France. Eire mass demonstrations in UK and Spain.

MIllions of people are protesting throughout  France, only to be met with indiscriminate violence.  

Elderly people have been injured and humiliated, simply for protesting their rights to pensions having "paid into the system" all their lives


Now take a look at the World Economic Forum website where you can see part of their plan is civil disobedience, following the same script in almost every country.


Canada   USA   France   Ireland

New Zealand     Brazil   Netherlands

Schwab announces everything in advance and as early as Mid-2020 prior to the USA elections, he was telling us to prepare for an angrier world, and mass unemployment.

This young woman in this video, highlights their strategy which is clear to see, as they plan and encourage civil disobedience (protests, riots) as part of their plan to tear everything down and “Build Back Better under their total control, and the same message was repeated in unison by leaders throughout the world.

All the usual suspects and WEF graduates are reading from the same “Build Back Better” script, and it seems to be going according to plan as they introduce legislation and strategy, to destroy the fabric of society.

"Build back better" turned into a stock market recession, food shortages, record high energy prices, record high inflation, uncontrollable immigration crisis, sexualization of primary age children and a proxy war with nuclear armed Russia.

Maybe they just forgot to tell us about the “Death and Destruction” Stage?

“There are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralize them…An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.......perhaps the safest thing to do is: take orders and hope for the best, that's what frightened and demoralized people do.”

Tony Benn.

UK M.P. and Cabinet Minister

Tony Benn

Happening right now, the World Health Organization are putting the final touches to International Health Regulations and a Global Pandemic Treaty, which almost every country is in accordance with and will lead to further lockdowns and vaccination mandates if we have Bill Gates "Pandemic 2"




Simultaneously, governments around the world are finalizing legislation dictating that everyone must have a digital ID, which will enable them to be tracked in every aspect of their life, and give total control over their spending.

This is largely unknown to the general public, as the orchestrators of these dystopian plans also own the vast majority of TV and Press News Outlets

They censor the truth, through control of social media platforms, but together we can become the main-stream media as everyone of us owns at least one and often two automobiles and with over


26 million 


independent E-commerce websites globally, we can very quickly make the truth available.

Nearly every country in the world, including our own USA  has signed on to these regulations, which will cede sovereignty to the Bill Gates funded WHO, and will have to comply with any direction given by them' if this is passed into law as they propose.

So the individual, who is heavily invested in Vaccines, and inserting chips in everone's brains, wants us to eat fake meat, endure climate lockdowns, digital ID, CBDC and personal carbon footprints, will have total control over our lives, and by his own admission is already planning "Pandemic 2"

While literally, millions of people have protested against this evil agenda all over the world, these protests are not reported by main stream media and the protestors are "preaching to the converted". The globalist cabal have planned this for a number of decades, and are moving at a frightening pace, so our window of opportunity is short. Their biggest fear is that the current minority who are "awake"  to their plans actually become a majority, upon which their plans fail and we can return to some sort of normality.

Animated Windw Decals

     A unified mass global awareness campaign is right at our fingertips.

     And we don't even have to speak a single word!

At the recent Global Government Conference, Klaus Schwab made it abundantly clear, that citizens of the world are going to have no choice than to accept their dystopian ideas, which include the intention to insert electronic chips in citizens brains, so not only do they surveil your every action but also your every thought. 


This slideshow of images are just some of the creative tools available to spread the truth, through your own social media or

E-Commerce websites, and resist the globalist agenda.

We have an army at our disposal. as part of the globalist agenda is to destroy small business, including independent e-commerce, and if they are to survive,they need to generate awareness.




We all have access to social media and email and there are over 26 million e commerce websites on a global basis.


It takes very little effort on their part and in order to over come any apathy we have designed a unique awareness  platform  where they can be rewarded for their efforts.



The globalist cabal, censor the truth through control of social media platforms, but together we can become the main-stream-media we can very quickly make the truth available.

Click on any image to let the animation fully load or the white arrows or  dots to progress to next animation.

In a few days we will publish a whole range of creative tools in order to create awareness  of the Globalist  Dystopian Agenda 

Be the first to know

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive weekly  news and updates.

We discuss this, along with regular updates, on the

Climate Change Hoax,
Vaccine Ingredients,
Digital ID,
Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism,
5G-Military Frequency,
S.M.A.R.T. Cities,
Universal Basic Income, Weather Modification,
24-hour Surveillance, Communist Social Credit System,
Nanotechnology and Totalitarian Government Control,
in our regular weekly Blog posts, which are free to our mailing list subscribers.
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Global humanity has suffered for the past three years, due to Pandemics, lockdowns, economic destruction, raging inflation, woke agendas, collapsing health systems, uncontrolled immigration and food and energy crises.

Not content with the economic  destruction and the extraordinary wealth transfer from 99% of humanity to the global elite, they plan further pandemics for the next ten years, with Bill Gates already discussing Pandemic 2

As never-ending crises, repeatedly unfold, the conditioning of humanity is facilitated by Television and Press, which are owned and instructed by the Globalist Elites, and a WHO whistle-blower confirms the intention to have ten years of pandemics.


In this “war on humanity” the main-stream media are their generals and ultimate weapon, as they are the 1% and we are the 99% it is a powerful tool, as after all almost everyone owns a TV.





On January 24th 2023, a press conference was held discussing the ongoing military deployment of bioweapons.

One of the attendees was Katherine Watt, a Pennsylvania paralegal and law researcher. She details her findings in the below video.

We are already seeing this with Covid, followed by MoneyPox, now avian influenza A(H5N1), Marburg Virus  and  Japanese Encephalitis and now Investigative reporters and legal specialists, evidence that Covid was only a precursor to a dystopian future of slavery, together with destruction of food supplies and global genocide, in order that the public who survives this cull, will see a “One World Government” as the saviour to be welcomed with open arms.

As Katherine Watt evidences, the Covid narrative was deployed in a military  style operation, where main stream media were complicit in mis-information and censorship  

We have now reached a stage, where people are waking up to the engineered crisis after crisis and are motivated by fear or anger to actually do something about it.


But unfortunately for the globalist elite, there is also something else that nearly everyone owns and for very little cost and effort, we can become an even more powerful main-stream media and drown out their propaganda with the truth.

Let us offer humanity the voice that it desires and an opportunity to save this generation, and future generations from a dystopian future of slavery.



"We can do what the KGB and Gestapo wanted to do"

Speaking at the 50th Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in January 2020 before the Western World was aware of Covid, Harari tells his audience of Globalist Elites, that "SOON" we will be able to "hack into all human beings"






Shortly after the MRNA "vaccines" were rolled out globally with now evidenced ingredients that don't belong in any vaccine.


The globalists are now so confident of success, in their plans of a dystopian future for humanity, that they openly boast about what they intend to do, and the removal of our free will and privacy, is a foregone conclusion.  

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò 

Archbishop Vigano's views are shared by other senior religious figures

"Even a child could understand that we are held hostage by a group of technocrats who are ideologically deviant and morally corrupt. The peoples of the world need to reclaim their sovereignty, which has been usurped by the globalist elite".                                  

When truth presents itself, the wise person sees the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments. The fool tries to adjust the truth so he does not have to adjust to it.”

Dr. Henry Cloud Clinical Psychologist & New York Times best-selling author

"We penetrate the Cabinets"

"More than half the Canadian Cabinet are ours"

Klaus Schwab, CEO of the World Economic Forum, boasts as to how they control governments and Prime Ministers, including at least half of the Canadian Cabinet, with other leaders, such as Macron, Merkel, Trudeau, Ardern, as graduates of their program.

As former British Cabinet minister Tony Benn put it above, since time began the ruling classes have used FEAR to control the general public. 








New Zealand 

     Jigsaw of Lies, Deception Greed and Corruption

We like the majority of people initially, believed main-stream media and did our bit for society to “save granny”. However subsequent events started to raise suspicions, and this is where, we decided to “Follow the Money” and selective information from Investigative journalists.




In these linked pages,we provide evidence from  some of the most respected Medical Professionals, from Religious Leaders, and Whistle-blower  Politicians, as to how natural inexpensive  treatments for Covid were suppressed, how  hospitals were incentivized to prescribe life ending-drugs to Covid patients, in order to inflate Covid numbers, and how the narrative of masks and lockdowns were relentlessly promoted in the full knowledge that masks were futile and lockdowns would create unprecedented economic damage, in order to create runaway inflation, and food shortages,

And as this website and newsletter will demonstrate, the FEAR CAMPAIGN by the oppressors is nearly always in order to cover up their own malfeasance.

Bill Gates one of richest and most powerful men in the World, has invested Billions of Dollars in MRNA Vaccines, Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies

Bill and Melinda Gates smile wryly at the thought of the next pandemic

The majority assume, the Vaccines were created for the virus.....but subsequent events  make a lot more sense, if the Virus was created for the Vaccines.

There is never a truer statement then Follow the Money>>> to get to the truth of the origins of any "event" that causes a disruption to the accepted "norm"  

What the vast majority of people don't realize, is that 80% of global wealth, is concentrated in only the top 10% of the population, with only a handful of powerful families controlling the vast bulk of that wealth.

They have maintained, and increased that wealth, with a never-ending strategy, of monopolies, market manipulation, lies, and corruption, deliberately creating food shortages and supply chain issues.

However, with the advent of the internet, the general public started to become "awake" to this strategy and they started to lose control. 

This was unacceptable to them, so they have been directing their vast wealth into developing Artificial Intelligence and its now  so advanced, that they publicly state that up to 80% of people will be unemployed. 

They are determined to bring the public back into line and establish a regime of "Totalitarian Control" in the image of a Communist regime, but they intend to go further than that.

For decades, they have been indoctrinating and maneuvering graduates, from the World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" programme, into very senior positions, in Government and corporations around the World.

Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum CEO even declares openly that they have "penetrated the government cabinets"

The threat is very real, and they have publicly declared :-

It is very difficult, for the average person to accept, that such calculated evil actually exists, but as this website and newsletters, will demonstrate It is now becoming increasingly clear that the Covid Pandemic was merely a stepping stone to a far greater plan, which will destroy the very fabric of society, 

Most were at a loss as to who, or what, would devise such a perverted, and undoubtably evil proposition and for what ultimate aim.

The majority of us will have watched the Netflix series, Squid Game, which portrayed ordinary citizens, who were encouraged to partake in increasingly more deadly games, in order to survive, with up to 50% being eliminated in the initial game of "Red Light/Green Light" and gradually the majority of contestants  were eliminated, as the stakes were continuously raised.

It was a perfect visual example, of FEAR and DEMORALIZATION

The final episode reveals the chief protagonist, was an extremely wealthy individual who had designed the challenges for his own perverse enjoyment as he approached his end of days.

We present evidence that, while undoubtedly there was a "virus," its survival rate was more than 99% and during the so-called Pandemic, the all-cause mortality rates were no higher than previous years, and the malfeasance was, declaring death rates of people dying "WITH COVID" when in reality the underlying cause of death was something else, and how hospitals were incentivized with up to $100,000 per patient, to inflate Covid numbers.

This website presents evidence that regardless of the origins of Covid, as a natural or man-made infection, it merely plays the role of a TROJAN HORSE, in the greater agenda of total control (AGENDA 2030) and to use an analogy, simply the Real-Life Version of the initial game of Red Light/Green Light, that divided humanity into Vaccinated and Vaccine-Hesitant groups and we must pose the question.... is humanity similar to the contestants in a  #RealLifeSquidGame?

Unfortunately, many Vaccine recipients are now plagued by debilitating illnesses and many more have "Died Suddenly"  There is mounting evidence these are vaccine injured, and while Governments, have not yet fully admitted this they are laying the blame to the ongoing excess mortality rates from the effects of lockdowns.

The globalists are already lining up the next pandemic, more lock downs and mandates, mass unemployment, compulsory vaccination, uncontrolled immigration, raging inflation, food shortages, collapsing health systems, energy crisis, woke-debates,  sexualization and gender transformation of Children.

While some people, just accept this as the "World Gone Crazy" the critical thinkers, realize its not possible for so much conflict, crisis and controversy to be unveiled simultaneously, unless it was planned and orchestrated.

While we are witnessing a lot of  back-tracking on Vaccines and calls for prosecution of those that administered the vaccines, this was exactly the premise of "Squid Game."  Pitting humanity against each other, to destroy itself from within.

Just like "Squid Game" we will provide evidence as to how, they intend to divide humanity, with a never-ending strategy, of Total Surveillance, control and impoverishment, and restricting food supply, through Digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency and Social Credit System. 

Despite overwhelming evidence, of a fabricated Climate emergency, they are already pushing the ridiculous climate emergency hoax, more lock downs and mandates, compulsory vaccination, uncontrolled immigration, raging inflation, food shortages, energy crisis, woke-debates,  sexualization and gender transformation of Children.

Using the mass power of humanity, against itself, is the only way the 1% can prevail. 

But we are 99% and humanity is a powerful force, if we are all on the same side!


The success fo their plan is largely dependant on a degree of unawareness or blissful ignorance.

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It is understandable why so many choose to bury their heads in the sand, as its inconceivable that any one would design a vaccine, that kills and maims them, and it is too terrifying to admit the reality of a horrifying dystopian future, of CBDC and Communist Social Credit System and slavery.

We must continue to place the facts, in front of as many people as possible.

Speed is of the essence, as WEF graduates, like Ardern and Trudeau are frantically scrambling to introduce social- media censorship bills.

Other states and countries are processing legislation, (gag-orders) to officially prevent medical professionals, including Family Doctors, from giving impartial advice

Eventually the desire to protect family, will be to great, and more will see the light; we simply have to point them in the right direction







New Zealand 

     Jigsaw of Lies, Deception Greed and Corruption