Real Squid Game Inc
1207 Delaware Ave #675
Wilmington, DE 19806
c-19 事実
Our Unified Global Response to Agenda 2030
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医者マイク・イェドン - 元ファイザー研究責任者.
"私たちしている攻撃を受けますどこでも 0.0001% です。止めなければ、地獄の門を夢遊病で抜けて一方通行へデジタルディストピアへ。」
In our view, as its clearly part of the Globalists Agenda, then protests ultimately will not be to the citizens advantage, and no-one wishes to see violence from or towards the authorities..
While up to 3 million people have protested in France, it is a relatively small percentage of the population and was the Globalists control the main stream media, it will receive minimal or zero coverage and the majority will remain, blissfully unaware of the globalists plans, until its to late.
You will notice Governments in numerous countries are introducing controversial legislation, and evoking the wrath of their citizens.
The WEF graduates in Rutte, Ardern, Trudeau and Macron, have adopted a totalitarian stance, and protests have now turned violent in France. Eire mass demonstrations in UK and Spain.
MIllions of people are protesting throughout France, only to be met with indiscriminate violence.
Elderly people have been injured and humiliated, simply for protesting their rights to pensions having "paid into the system" all their lives
Schwab announces everything in advance and as early as Mid-2020 prior to the USA elections, he was telling us to prepare for an angrier world, and mass unemployment.
This young woman in this video, highlights their strategy which is clear to see, as they plan and encourage civil disobedience (protests, riots) as part of their plan to tear everything down and “Build Back Better under their total control, and the same message was repeated in unison by leaders throughout the world.
All the usual suspects and WEF graduates are reading from the same “Build Back Better” script, and it seems to be going according to plan as they introduce legislation and strategy, to destroy the fabric of society.
"Build back better" turned into a stock market recession, food shortages, record high energy prices, record high inflation, uncontrollable immigration crisis, sexualization of primary age children and a proxy war with nuclear armed Russia.
Maybe they just forgot to tell us about the “Death and Destruction” Stage?
They censor the truth, through control of social media platforms, but together we can become the main-stream media as everyone of us owns at least one and often two automobiles and with over
26 million
independent E-commerce websites globally, we can very quickly make the truth available.
Nearly every country in the world, including our own USA has signed on to these regulations, which will cede sovereignty to the Bill Gates funded WHO, and will have to comply with any direction given by them' if this is passed into law as they propose.
And we don't even have to speak a single word!
This slideshow of images are just some of the creative tools available to spread the truth, through your own social media or
E-Commerce websites, and resist the globalist agenda.
We have an army at our disposal. as part of the globalist agenda is to destroy small business, including independent e-commerce, and if they are to survive,they need to generate awareness.
We all have access to social media and email and there are over 26 million e commerce websites on a global basis.
It takes very little effort on their part and in order to over come any apathy we have designed a unique awareness platform where they can be rewarded for their efforts.
The globalist cabal, censor the truth through control of social media platforms, but together we can become the main-stream-media we can very quickly make the truth available.
Click on any image to let the animation fully load or the white arrows or dots to progress to next animation.
In a few days we will publish a whole range of creative tools in order to create awareness of the Globalist Dystopian Agenda
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We discuss this, along with regular updates, on the
Climate Change Hoax,
Vaccine Ingredients,
Digital ID,
Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism,
5G-Military Frequency,
S.M.A.R.T. Cities,
Universal Basic Income, Weather Modification,
24-hour Surveillance, Communist Social Credit System,
Nanotechnology and Totalitarian Government Control,
in our regular weekly Blog posts, which are free to our mailing list subscribers.
用語 "トロイの木馬"比喩的に使用され、ターゲットを敵を誘い、安全に保護された場所に。または外見で欺くために、悪意を隠している外見上無害な外観で。欺瞞的な手段を使って内部から転覆すること。
On January 24th 2023, a press conference was held discussing the ongoing military deployment of bioweapons.
One of the attendees was Katherine Watt, a Pennsylvania paralegal and law researcher. She details her findings in the below video.
用語 "トロイの木馬"比喩的に使用され、ターゲットを敵を誘い、安全に保護された場所に。または外見で欺くために、悪意を隠している外見上無害な外観で。欺瞞的な手段を使って内部から転覆すること。
As Katherine Watt evidences, the Covid narrative was deployed in a military style operation, where main stream media were complicit in mis-information and censorship
用語 "トロイの木馬"比喩的に使用され、ターゲットを敵を誘い、安全に保護された場所に。または外見で欺くために、悪意を隠している外見上無害な外観で。欺瞞的な手段を使って内部から転覆すること。
2020 年 1 月の世界経済フォーラムの第 50 回年次総会での講演前西洋の世界Covidを知っていた、 Harari は聴衆にグローバリスト エリートについて次のように語っています。"すぐ"私たちはできるようになります "すべての人間にハッキング"
Dr. Henry Cloud 臨床心理学者 & ニューヨーク タイムズのベストセラー作家
これらのリンクされたページでは、 からの証拠を提供します。医療専門家、 から 宗教指導者、と内部告発者 Politicians、Covidの自然で安価な 治療がどのように抑制されたか、 病院が処方するようにどのように奨励されたかについてCovid患者への終末期の薬、 in Covid の数字を膨らませるために、また、マスクとロックダウンの物語が、マスクは無益であり、ロックダウンが前例のない経済的損害を生み出すという完全な知識の中でどのように容赦なく宣伝されたか、暴走インフレ、 と食糧不足、
そして、このようにウェブサイトとニュースレター は、恐怖キャンペーン抑圧者による ほとんどの場合、自分自身を隠すためです不正。
ビル・ゲイツの一人最も豊かで最も強力な世界の男性、数十億ドルを投資したmRNAワクチン、デジタル ID と中央銀行のデジタル通貨
大多数が想定、ワクチンはウイルス用に作成されました...しかし、その後のevents はもっと理にかなっています。ウイルスがワクチンのために作成された場合。
それよりも真実の声明はありませんマネーをフォロー>>> 真実にたどり着くためにあらゆる「出来事」の起源それは受け入れられたものに混乱を引き起こします「規範」
大多数の人がしないこと世界の富の 80% のみに集中しています。トップ10%人口の、その富の大部分を支配しているのはほんの一握りの強力な家族だけです。
T彼は彼らに受け入れられなかったので、彼らは彼らに指示してきました莫大な富人工知能の開発に乗り出し、現在 が非常に進歩しているため、彼らは公にそれを最大で80%の人失業します.
何十年もの間、彼らは卒業生を教化して操縦し、世界経済フォーラムの「Young Global Leaders」プログラムから、非常に上級の役職に就く政府および企業世界中で。
それは非常に困難です。平均的な人 受け入れるために、 そのような計算された悪は実際に存在しますが、このウェブサイトとニュースレターCovidパンデミックは、はるかに大きな計画への足がかりにすぎないことがますます明らかになりつつあります。社会の構造そのもの、