Real Squid Game Inc
1207 Delaware Ave #675
Wilmington, DE 19806
c-19 Fíricí
Our Unified Global Response to Agenda 2030
E-Mail ;Support@realsquidgames.com
Tá nabusanna idirthurais, ag tiomáint timpeall lena n-teachtaireacht margaíochta. A chumhachtach agus éifeachtach fiú ann amháin2000busanna i gContae LA marsampla.

So, if as many Chinese as possible are escaping this regime......would you like to go the other way?
Fear not because the Chinese Communist Social Credit System is coming to the Western World and orchestrated by Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Tá Rialú Iomlánaíoch mar spriocanna ag Calaois Domhanda Covid
Táimid faoi ionsaí ag an 0.0001% i ngach áit. Mura gcuirtear stop leis, siúilfimid trí gheataí ifreann, ar thuras aontreo chuig dystopia digiteach."
Dochtúir Mike Yeadon Iar-Cheann Taighde Pfizer

We discuss this, along with regular updates, on the
Climate Change Hoax,
Vaccine Ingredients,
Digital ID,
Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism,
5G-Military Frequency,
S.M.A.R.T. Cities,
Universal Basic Income, Weather Modification,
24-hour Surveillance, Communist Social Credit System,
Nanotechnology and Totalitarian Government Control,
in our regular weekly Blog posts, which are free to our mailing list subscribers.
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“Go dtí seo tá na Globalists ar an mbóthar ceart lena bplean diostópach, mar go raibh aon fhriotaíocht ag an mionlach, ach is é an eagla is mó atá orthu náMIONÚCHÁNthiocfaidh chun bheith anMÓRACHAS.....agus chuige sin deirimid"