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Whistleblower Politicians Worldwide Denounce

Senator Rand Paul - USA
The Danger of a One World Government
Should the American people be scared, when the richest people in the entire world get together at a conference, with ideas about how to make our lives better?
The real danger here, is this would be a government, a World government where you don’t get to vote on anybody.
"This is everybody’s worst Nightmare."
Can you imagine the one world bureaucracy of all these Elitists and their private jets, that would rule our country and we wouldn’t get to vote?
It’s in their mission statement. They say it at every meeting. That’s what they’re for.
" Lack of sovereignty means lack of freedom"
They have absolutely no concern for privacy and you are exactly right, they don’t care about the individuals.
"They don’t like people like us.
They want to track everybody with a QRS code.
It’s no laughing matter. It’s very worrisome."
These are not the kind of people we want telling the rest of us what to do.
Rand Paul: This is the danger of a one-world government - Bing video

Senator Ron Johnson-USA
The American People deserve the Truth.
Senator Ron Johnson has been a champion for freedom since well before the Covid Pandemic. In this mind-blowing interview, he sits down with Highwire's Del Bigtree to expose the dirty pandemic politics that drove America’s Covid Debacle.
Senator Johnson is a fearless and tireless campaigner to unveil the facts behind the Pandemic and the Covid Injections, Masks and Lockdowns an in a letter to the CDC as reported by the Washington Examiner he stated-
"The American people deserve the truth and you have not been providing it. That is why I, together with millions of Americans, have completely lost faith in the CDC and other federal health agencies,
"It is time to start regaining their confidence and your agency's integrity by coming clean, being transparent, and telling the truth."
The senator's demand for answers, surrounding the CDC's COVID-19 vaccine monitoring procedures, comes about a week after the journal, Science Advances published an analysis.
The analysis showing that more than half of women who received the COVID-19 vaccine, reported temporary changes to their menstrual cycle.
Governor Ron De Santis... Florida-USA
Its Been a tragedy.
"We reject narratives and hysteria in favor of truth and data."
"These experts agree – no masking, no mandates and no medical censorship."
"It’s been a tragedy that the medical community has stuck with the CDC and Fauci instead of relying on clinical wisdom and expertise."
"People want to live freely in Florida, without corporate masking, creating a two-tier society, overbearing isolation for their children, and their health care practitioners having the freedom to follow science, not outdated and politicized “guidance.”
"Doctors have the authority to decide what treatments to give their COVID patients in Florida.
This ability should not be circumscribed due to politics."
"If you're unvaccinated, naturally immune, and uninfected, they fire you. But if you are covid-positive and vaccinated, which we know most of the people that are covid positive now are vaxxed, they are going back on the
job. It just shows you that CMS mandate is absolutely insane especially given the ineffectiveness of these shots to actually stop transmission."
Follow Governor DeSantis on Telegram

Senator Gerard Rennick- Australia
"Preventing transmission was a blatant lie"
What this particular vaccine does, is deliver a Lipid Nano Particle which is much smaller than the virus by a factor of 1000, into the blood stream
The "vaccine" did not stay in the deltoid, as it was supposed to do. but it spread to the Ovaries ,Liver, Heart, Eyes, Brain, Bone Marrow, Bladder and Adrenal Glands.
In the tests in Lab Rats, they noted that concentration levels doubled between the first and second day, so you would think before rolling out the vaccines they would have wanted to continue to monitor the data for longer, at least till the Lipid Nano Particles had left the body.
To make matter worse, they did not use the actual spike protein in the trials, but a trace element called Lucerfirase.
Furthermore, they did not test the distribution or degradation, in humans or Animals.
They never tested for Geno-toxity studies, despite this was the first time they were putting genes inside the body.
They never tested for Carcinogenic Studies, and they never tested for Longitudinal Studies, and they never tested it against existing patient medications.
Watch Senator Rennick's Senate Speech HERE
Read Senator Rennick's Submissions to the Health Minister HERE.

Senator Alex Antic-Australia
WEF is steeped in Communist Ideology
You deserve all the facts.
This transparency should be one of Parliament’s highest priorities.
You’ve seen that there are many international organizations, which say they want to solve the world’s problems.
They claim to be striving to end global poverty or saving the environment.
But are they just trying to sell their agenda for change by influencing the policies of national governments?
The World Economic Forum is one such body.
It is a grouping of the wealthy and powerful from politics, big business including Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Al Gore, and even Greta Thunberg and it met in Davos in May.
World leaders such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern are both former World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders.
Shouldn’t this be known by the public?
If you as a voter had known information like this about your politicians, would you still have voted for them?
Australian politicians should be required to disclose their association with these organizations.
It's time Australians were given access to all the facts!
Join me by signing this petition today and tell Parliament that you want all the facts.
SIGN THE PETITION HERE......Senator Alex Antic

Senator Malcolm Roberts -Australia
They want to control your energy, control your food, control your water, and control your property.
As an Engineer trained in Atmospheric Gasses and as a business manager, I was responsible for hundreds of people's lives, based on my knowledge of Atmospheric Gasses
I have never found anyone, based on empirical scientific evidence, that shows we have anything to worry about at all.
The "Science" (TM) behind the supposed climate crisis, simply doesn't stack up.
When you look underneath, the "experts" hiding behind appeals to authority (a logical fallacy), the data doesn't support their claims.
Those that understand the science, understand it is fundamental humans cannot and do not effect the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
It is controlled by nature entirely.
But carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.
First of all, it’s odourless, tasteless, colourless.
It’s non toxic. And the second thing about it is it’s entirely natural.
Nature produces 32 times more every year than we do. Nature controls the level in the atmosphere.
There’s nothing there that they have ever presented any evidence. It’s based on nothing, it’s based on just simply wanting to control the agenda, to control your energy, control your food, control your water, and control your property.
Watch the Senate Speech HERE
See the Full Interview HERE

Cross Party Covid Enquiry August 2022
The evidence was shocking and revealing
Australia’s response to COVID-19 has been defined by shifting goalposts, power hungry politicians hiding behind “secret” health advice and the complete destruction of businesses and livelihoods.
While overseeing devastating lockdowns, politicians and public servants worldwide, have not lost a dollar of income, while they often break the health directives that we are forced to comply with under threat of financial ruin or jail.
Media, politicians and social media giants are brazenly squashing dissenting views under the guise of “public safety”.
The result is more control being placed in the hands of bureaucrats and politicians, more money being transferred to the wealthiest multinational corporations in the world and the fracturing of our country.
The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators.
Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence, that was shocking and revealing. The day of questioning from 8am to 7:30pm was livestreamed and recordings of all witnesses are available HERE

Brave Euro MP's against Corruption
The biggest corruption scandal in the history of the world
A brave group of European MP’s are speaking out, against what they are calling the greatest corruption scandal of all time.
71 Billion Euros total commitment of tax payer dollars.
HHow the EU President signed Vaccine contracts for 4.6 Billion doses for the EU population of only 450 million, resulting in 10 doses for every man woman and child in the EU, before any long term effectiveness or safety data had been produced.
They have repeatedly requested details of text messages exchanged between Von Der Lyon and Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer, as they copies of the contracts they have received have been completely redacted.
They state that the “vaccine” manufacturers have been preparing the vaccines since 2017, when the virus only emerged late 2019.
The voluntary vaccine narrative is collapsing, as more evidence emrges about the ineffectiveness against disease transmission and prevention.
But you don't spend $71 billion Euros and order 10 doses per citizen unless you intend to use it.
This is where the Digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency comes in as its not hard to imagine a situation where vaccines become mandatory or they can switch off your ability to feed your family.

Brave Euro MP's against Corruption
The biggest corruption scandal in the history of the world
"It was never about public health or breaking the wave ....it was about breaking the people
“And on this lie, everything that governments, especially in the western democracies, did to infringe on people’s rights to take away their freedom — to lock them in their homes, imposing curfews. All of this was based on that gigantic lie.”
And because of that gigantic lie, Anderson pledges to get to the bottom of things.
“I can only thank my colleagues; we are doing an incredible job in this COVID committee. And we will get to the bottom of things, and we will get the answers that — the people — that you deserve! We will work on that, and we will continue to work on that.
But. And that is the other message. None of that would have been possible to do if we did not have the massive, enormous support of you, the people, because you took to the street. You showed your governments that you will not put up with this, and you will not stand for this.
And for that, I really thank you. And I applaud you, and I will do so right now!”
“And I will say it again.”
I’m proud of the people that I am so honored to be allowed to represent. And I will continue to do just that.
Thank you very much."

In this video, we ask, although Schwab is viewed as the main protagonist of the WEF, what part is played by Kissinger, the man who has earned the "confidence" of politicians and sovereign rulers over fifty years, as all his views on "Vaccines", "War", "Election Rigging", "Corruption", "Food", "Energy" and "De-population", all seem to be playing out at the same time.

"They plan a dystopian future of slavery, not just for us, but for all future generations"


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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke