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Real Squid Game Inc
1207 Delaware Ave #675
Wilmington, DE 19806
c-19 Facts
Our Unified Global Response to Agenda 2030
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Investigate Journalists
Maria Zeee is a fearless independent Australian journalist. Maria has been at the forefront of truth-telling, and regularly publishes hard-hitting and revealing interviews, that you will not find on Main-Stream Media.
"They plan a dystopian future of slavery, not just for us, but for all future generations"

Its time to make our voices heard!
We the people, need fearless campaigners like Maria Zeee, for the survival of not just the family unit but humanity itself.
While many started to ask questions about Covid and the vaccines, Maria was one of the first to realize that Covid was the "Trojan Horse" in a far greater dystopian plan.
We strongly recommend that you follow Maria's work. as it concurs with our own beliefs. that we are only "Six steps from Slavery." if we do not take a stand for our families and basic human rights.

We discuss this, along with regular updates, on the
Climate Change Hoax,
Vaccine Ingredients,
Digital ID,
Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism,
5G-Military Frequency,
S.M.A.R.T. Cities,
Universal Basic Income, Weather Modification,
24-hour Surveillance, Communist Social Credit System,
Nanotechnology and Totalitarian Government Control,
in our regular weekly Blog posts, which are free to our mailing list subscribers.
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In this video, we ask, although Schwab is viewed as the main protagonist of the WEF, what part is played by Kissinger, the man who has earned the "confidence" of politicians and sovereign rulers over fifty years, as all his views on "Vaccines", "War", "Election Rigging", "Corruption", "Food", "Energy" and "De-population", all seem to be playing out at the same time.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke
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